The Great Alleghemy

The past few days have consisted of plenty of flat riding. Not due to the surrounding area, there are plenty of hills as I weave through the Appalachians, but because of the Greater Alleghemy [...]

Month from Hell

cheap cialis Once again, a big apology for the lack of posts. The Month from Hell has raged onward, and left me little to absolutely no time to actually blog. Seriously, essentially [...]


It’s been way too long since I’ve last cranked out a blogpost. I’m certainly sorry about that. As I mentioned in my last blog post, it can be awfully difficult to find time to [...]

All-Star Adventures

It’s been a while since I’ve had a chance to blog. Part of it is to be blamed on lack of internet access which has been sporadic the past few days, and the rest is due to the month [...]

Coastal Cruisin’

The Month from Hell rages onward. Day after day. Mile after mile. I keep on pedaling. Keep on grinding. Through the heat, pain, frustration, aches, and exhaustion, I gotta keep on the move. My [...]

Georgia on my Mind

The month from hell contiues to wear onward. It has been tough day, after tough day with plenty of unexpected adversity.  The miles themselves are tough, but this extra adversity makes it even [...]

Why not?

It’s been a hectic, chaotic, and obstacle filled past three days. Let me tell you, the month from hell is officially underway with a huge bang! Everything is being thrown at me, and [...]