Help support the future of cycling in America!

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Cycling and pedestrian infrastructure isvery important to the future of transportation in this country. Roads are not only for automobiles, and in the past, a lot of roads were built as if they were just for cars without keeping bikers and walkers in mind. Cyclists have as much right to the road as cars, and pedestrians should be provided a safe and convenient place to walk. With more bike lanes, bike-specific roads, and better sidewalks, more people will realize that biking and walking are safe and easy alternatives to driving and adding to the already out-of-control congestion. There are a lot of cycling advocacy groups across the country, and we’ve been fortunate to meet up with a few of them. These groups are making change happen by fighting for a better place to bike in their cities. You should definitely find the bike coalition nearest to you and provide them with your support, be it monetarily or just volunteering to attend a local hearing on bike lanes. Help them have a greater voice to local governments to give everyone improved bike environments.

There’s one more step you can take to make our roads safer for bikers. Call your Congressmen and women to let them know you support the Cardin-Cochran amendment in the transportation bill being debated in Congress now. The amendment directs specific funds to local governments to be allocated for biking infrastructure, instead of state governments using the funds however they would like. The local governments know the needs of local bike communities better than the state. Please take a moment to contact your Senators and Representative in support of this important measure. America has made major strides since the early ’90s to become a more bike-friendly nation. One reason is that Americans strongly back investments in biking and walking. Another is consistent federal support for bike lanes and paths. We need to continue to work to ensure cyclists have a voice in the government!

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